Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the administration and the proper organization of the operations of the Company. Board members are elected annually by the Annual General Meeting based on a proposal put forward by the Board’s Nomination Committee.

HKScan Reijo Kiskola light web

Reijo Kiskola,
Chairman of the Board

Education: Dairy Engineer
Year of birth: 1954
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2018
Chairman of the Board: since 27 November 2018 and
CEO (acting) of HKScan 27 November 2018–3 February 2019
Member of the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee

Shareholding at HKFoods: 29,352 pcs*

Relevant positions of trust:
Member of Board, Leivon Leipomo Oy, Tampere 2016–
Member of the Board, HC Ässät Oy, 2020–

Key employment history:
Arla Foods Amba, European Zone, Member of Leadership Team 2016–2017
Arla Oy, Managing Director 2011–2017
Arla Ingman Oy, Supply Chain Director 2011–2011
Hämeenlinna Dairy Cooperative, Managing Director, 2007–2010
HK Ruokatalo Oy, EVP, 2003–2006
Broilertalo Oy, subsidiary company of HK, Managing Director, 2001–2003
Various Dairy Cooperatives, Managing Director, 1981–2001

Independent of the company and significant shareholders.

HKScan Jari Mäkilä

Jari Mäkilä,
Vice Chairman of the Board

Education: Agricultural Technician
Year of birth: 1970
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2018
Vice Chairman of the Board
Member of the Compensation Committee

Shareholding at HKFoods: 16,158 pcs (direct ownership) and 127,499 pcs (through Mäkilän Tila Oy)*

Relevant positions of trust:
LSO Osuuskunta, Member of the Supervisory Board 2006–
Pellervo, Member of the Delegation 2014–

Key employment history:
Farm entrepreneur, pork producer 1995–
Mäkilän Tila Oy, Chairman of the Board

Not independent of the company due to his significant supplier relationship with the company, not independent of significant shareholders due to his position as director in LSO Cooperative.

DiesenNiclas raj small

Niclas Diesen,
Member of the Board

Education: M.Sc. (Econ.)
Year of Birth: 1980
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2024-
Member of the Audit Committee

K. Hartwall Invest Oy Ab, CEO 06/2015- (Investment Director 2012-2015)

Relevant positions of trust:
K. Hartwall Oy Ab, Member of the Board 06/2023-
Augment Group Oy, Chairman of the Board 2020-
(Member of the Board 2019-2020)
MBH Breweries Oy, Chairman of the Board 2022-
(Member of the Board 2017-2022)
Zenito Oy, Chairman of the Board , 2014-2024
Diamond Beverages Oy, Member of the Board 2016-2019, 2021-
(Chairman of the Board 2016-2018)
Niord Rf. Member of the Board , 2016-2018

Key employment history:
ABN Amro Bank / Royal Bank of Scotland, London, Vice President, 2007-2012
Alfred Berg Corporate Finance, Analyst, 2005-2007.

Independent of the company and significant shareholders.

HKScan Anne Leskelä

Anne Koutonen,
Member of the Board

Education: M.Sc (Business Administration)
Year of birth: 1962
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2019
Chair of the Audit Committee

Shareholding at HKFoods: 14,102 pcs*

Relevant positions of trusts:
Componenta Oyj, Member of the Board 2017–, Vice Chairman of the Board 2019–
Image Wear Oy, Member of the Board 2019–
Kemppi Oy, Member of the Board 2022–
Kojamo Oyj, Member of the Board 2018–
Merus Power Oyj, Member of the Board 2021–
Tammer Brands Oy, Member of the Board 2018–, Chairman of the Board 2020–
Robit Oyj, Member of the Board 2020–4/2024, Vice Chairman of the Board 2022-4/2024

Key employment history:
Nokian Tyres plc, CFO and VP, Finance and Control and IR 2006–2018
Nokian Tyres plc, several managerial positions, Treasury 1997–2006
Oy Kyro Ab, Financial Analyst 1995–1997
Suomen Säästöpankki – SSP Oy, Manager, Domestic Money Market, 1992–1994

Independent of the company and significant shareholders.

Lauri Sipponen IMG 3199 Small 800

Lauri Sipponen,
Member of the Board

Education: M.Sc (Econ.), Gross- und Aussenhandelskaufmann
Year of birth: 1969
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2024-
Member of the Compensation Committee

Relevant positions of trust:
Raisio Oyj, Member of the Board 2023-
Deutsch-Finnische Handelskammer, Member of the Board 2021-
Wulff-Yhtiöt Oyj, Member of the Board 2020-
CAP-Group Oy, Chairman of the Board 2020-2022, Member of the Board 2023-
Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas Oy, Member of the Board 2020-2023
Lappset Group Oy, Member of the Board 2021-2022
Saarioinen Oy, Member of the Board 2020-2021
Tammer Brands Oy, Member of the Board 2021-2021

Key employment history:
Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas Oy, CEO 2022-2023
VR Group Oyj, Group CEO 2021-2022
Lidl Suomi Ky, CEO, Country Director, Director of Administraton, Regional
Director, Head of Internal Audit, Accounting Manager 2001-2020
Yritys-Sampo Oy (IF), Accounting Manager, Business Controller, Marketing
Manager 1998-2001
PKT-Säätiö, Information Officer 1996-1998

Independent of the company and significant shareholders.

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Terhi Tuomi,
Member of the Board

Education: M.Sc (Econ.)
Year of birth: 1966
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2019
Member of the Audit Committee

Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd, CFO 2004–

Farm entrepreneur, pork producer 2002–

Shareholding at HKFoods: 11,757 pcs*

Relevant positions of trust:
LSO Osuuskunta, Member of the Board 2017–

Key employment history:
Pihla-Windows, Financial Manager 2000–2004
Racinel Ltd, Entrepreneur, Office Manager 1990–2000
Gebrüder Jüng GmbH, Germany, Advertisement Assistant 1991–1992

Independent of the company, but not independent of its significant shareholders due to her position as director in LSO Cooperative.

HKScan Ilkka Uusitalo

Ilkka Uusitalo,
Member of the Board

Year of birth: 1968
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2024-
Deputy member of the Board 2019-4/2024
Chair of the Compensation Committee

Farm entrepreneur, broiler meat producer, Salo

Shareholding at HKFoods: 166,690 pcs*

Relevant positions of trusts:
City of Salo, Member of the City Council since 2009 and Vice Chairman of the City Council 2017–
City of Salo, Member of the Chairman Board 2017–, Member of Corporate Division 2021–
Coop Center Pellervo, Member of the Delegation since 2012, Vice Chairman of the Delegation 2017–2018 and Chairman of the Delegation 2019–
LSO Osuuskunta, Member of the Board since 2011 and  Chairman of the Board 2022–
Lounaismaan Osuuspankki (bank), Member of the Board 2023–
Metsäliitto Cooperative, Member of the Supervisory Board 2017–

Not independent of the company due to his significant supplier relationship with the company, not independent of significant shareholders due to his position as director in LSO Cooperative.

HKScan YskiSami 800

Sami Yski,
Member of the Board

Education: Engineer, car technology
Year of Birth: 1971
Nationality: Finnish

Member of the Board: since 2024

Relevant positions of trust:
Sataservice Yhtymä, Satu Invest Oy, Chairman of the Board 2003-
Sataservice food Oy, Sataservice, Sataservice food, Rauman sähkökonehuolto
Chairman of the Board 2006 -2014
Sata-Henkilöstö Oy, Kolmikoneistus Oy, Member of the Board 2009-
Rakennusliike Mattila ja kumpp. Oy, Member of the Board 2012-
Uudenkaupungin työvene Oy, Member of the Board 2015-2023

Key employment history:
Board positions, food industry consulting, investor/ entrepreneur 2017-2024
Sataservice Group, Director, Administration (Vaaka Partners) 2014-2017
Sataservice Yhtymä, co-owner (50%) founder and entrepreneur 2003-2014
ABB Oy, Service, Maintenance Manager, Maintenance and Project Engineer
ABB Sataservice Oy, Maintenance Engineer 1996-1997

Dependent of the company, independent of significant shareholders.

*Information updated on 18 April 2024