CEO's review The year 2019 was significant for HKScan. We launched our Turnaround programme to improve the company’s profitability. Our key actions were related to changing the company’s direction and we successfully improved our financial performance.
Our strategy 2019‒2021 The Turnaround programme and profitable growth into a versatile food company are at the core of our new Group strategy, Tastier life – today and tomorrow. Successful implementation of the Turnaround programme forms a strong foundation for future growth.
Food that does good We renewed our responsibility programme. We aim to build HKScan into a versatile food company known for its target-oriented and proactive corporate responsibility work across our entire value chain. A sustainable way of operating is the foundation of our business.
Stakeholders participate in developing corporate responsibility We carried out a stakeholder survey in our market areas and received nearly 1,300 responses. We gained valuable information on our key stakeholders’ expectations and views relating to responsibility.
Lost time injuries reduced by more than 30 per cent We are proud of the work done to improve work safety. We aim to offer our employees a safe and respected workplace.