The transaction of company’s Swedish business was closed 28 March 2024.

The transaction terminates company's ownership of the Swedish business. The business operations and personnel of its Swedish subsidiaries have been transferred to the new owner at the closing of the transaction.

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The company employs around 1700 professionals who maintain quality and sustainability throughout the full chain of operations, from farm to consumer. Production units are located in Kristianstad, Skara, Linköping and Halmstad and the head office in Stockholm. Find our certificates here.

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Kristianstad is the biggest plant for slaughter and cutting of pigs with a production surface of 35 000 square meters and around 700 employees. Kristianstad also manufactures pork products, for example sausages and Scan’s famous Christmas hams.

Scan Skara 2


The plant in Skara produces different types of meat products, such as hamburgers, liver paté and the famous Mamma Scans meatballs on a production surface of around 18 000 square meters and closer to 300 employees in total. Skara is also a center for innovation and administration.  



With around 700 employees, the plant in Linköping is the center for slaughter and cutting of beef and lamb. In addition, Linköping also handles a large proportion of the sausage production for the Swedish market as well as a department for consumer packed meat (CPM). Linköping is also a national Logistics Centre (NDC) for Sweden.

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The Halmstad plant with around 100 employees, consists of two separate production facilities: one for production of smoked products, and the other for slicing and packing of sandwich products, for example Pärsons. Halmstad also produces the plant based products for Pärsons.

Food moments, bbq


The head office for Sweden is located in Stockholm with for example the Business development, Quality and Sustainability, Sales, Category- and Brands and Communications departments.