Over 10 000 youngsters gathered at Helsinki’s Hartwall Arena on 11 May for the world’s largest mass innovation day, InnoDay. Visitors at HKScan Finland’s stand shared over 1000 fresh ideas for meal novelties revealing what they would like to eat and when.



HKScan Finland’s stand consisted of a large ‘dining table’ covered in Snapchat shots taken by youngsters representing various meal times around the clock. The young visitors were asked to share what they would like to eat in the morning, during the day and in the evening. They were also asked what kind of new product features and novelties they would like to see appearing on supermarket shelves in the future and what they expect from products.

“They offered us a huge amount of ideas for new concepts and product novelties as well as fresh ideas for everyday meals and special occasions. In just one day we collected over 1000 ideas, which were written on paper or submitted via mobile device,” says Mikko Järvinen VP Marketing at HKScan Finland.

A total of 45 partner organizations took part in InnoDay, an event organized by the Innokampus think tank. The young participants were recruited from 106 senior secondary schools and vocational colleges around Finland.


Cooperation to continue with Innokampus

InnoDay is part of the co-operation between HKScan Finland and Innokampus. As part of the collaboration, Innokampus is organizing a series of workshops with high school students as well as events and a new mass innovation method with ‘innovation agents’ and student groups.

As the next step, co-operation will continue with putting together a ‘meal clock’ of Snapchat shots with accompanying captions. The meal clock will provide valuable information on the eating habits and mealtimes of young consumers. The collated data will form the basis for further innovation with young workshop participants.

HKScan Finland listens to consumers in various ways in product development. The company routinely conducts consumer opinion surveys and charts consumer behaviour through various forms of market research, including mass innovation events.

For further information:

Mikko Järvinen, HKScan Finland.
Kindly submit a call-back request via Marja Siltala, VP Communications, HKScan Finland, tel. 010 570 2290, marja.siltala(at)hkscan.com

HKScan is the leading Nordic meat expert. We sell, market and produce high-quality, responsibly-produced pork, beef, poultry and lamb products, processed meats and convenience foods under strong brand names. Our customers are the retail, food service, industrial and export sectors, and our home markets comprise Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltics. We export to close to 50 countries. In 2015, HKScan had net sales of approximately EUR 1.9 billion and some 7400 employees, making us one of the Europe's leading meat companies. HKScan’s brands in Finland include HK and Kariniemen. www.hkscan.com