
The best stories are told in the kitchen! Step in and find out what’s cooking, meet interesting people and get inspired!

Maakarit web  header

Uncompromising artisan expertise results a winning sausage

Recently HKScan's artisan sausage, HK Maakarit® Livornon Luigi, was chosen as the tastiest sausage in Finland.

Woman eating sandwich

Collagen-body’s own superfood

Today, collagen seems to be on everybody’s lips.

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Don’t let your food go to waste

Almost half of the households’ waste food - even though people want to improve their habits.

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It is totally okay to be a chicken and stay indoors

In the olden days the chickens roamed around in the garden, digging, cooing and pecking around. There were external hazards of course, like stray dogs, hawks and foxes. The...

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More talk about the good work done on the farms

”It is important that the whole industry together highlights the benefits of domestic production. Food and its origin interest consumers a lot these days. Perhaps we are being t...

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Inspiring summer topped expectations

"The feeling of trust and independence describe well my trainee period here. My manager and mentor have been very supportive - they have provided me with time, contacts and...

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How to train your taste

The beginning of Autumn usually inspires people to start training, so why not try training something a bit different this time. In addition to ordinary muscle exercise try these...

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Congratulations to the Finnish nature

Everyone is welcome to join in the celebration of Finnish nature on Saturday, August 25th. This is a good day to commemorate the fact that the purest food comes from the pure...

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Five facts about drought

This historically hot and dry summer has had a wide impact on agriculture and meat production. We gathered a few points to summarize the situation:

Kitchen Stories table

Hot and dry summer requires extra caution when grilling

This summer has been exceptionally hot and dry in the Nordics - forest fire indexes reaching historically high values. As a result, open fires in the forests have been forbidden...

HK chefChengKamFuVihannestorilla kansi

Naked pork and healthy fat

The Chinese have been number one fans of the pork for thousands of years. A pig under the roof is the written character for home and family. Believe or not, songs and poems have...

Whatscooking insta

What's cooking?

See what's cooking in our chefs' kitchen in Sweden and get inspired!

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6 tips how to grill healthy

We are in the middle of the hottest barbeque season! Grilling is considered as a light cooking method; you don’t have to add a lot of fat when cooking the food. If grilling...

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Food going wild

Some days at work are particularly nice, like the sunny day in early June when we headed in the guidance of Jouni Toivanen, the wild food expert, into the nature. Our worries ov...