
HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

The Board of Directors of HKScan Corporation decided on the acquisition of the Company's own shares

HKScan Corporation                       Stock Exchange Release 25.9.2019, 8:30 (EET)

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| Stock Releases

Appointment in HKScan Group Management Team

HKScan Corporation, 2 September 2019, 12.00 (EEST)

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan Group’s Half Year Financial Report 1 January–30 June 2019: Result improved clearly – successful share issue enables balanced implementation of the turnaround programme

HKScan Corporation             HALF YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 18 July 2019        at 8:00 EEST

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| Stock Releases

HKScan Corporation has agreed on new EUR 174.3 million bank facilities as planned

HKScan Corporation                                                    Inside information 15 July 2019, 17.00 EEST

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| Flagging Notices

Disclosure under chapter 9 section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

HKScan Corporation                       Stock Exchange Release 25.6.2019, 16:00 (EEST)

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

New shares of HKScan Corporation registered with the Trade Register

HKScan Corporation        Stock exchange release 24 June 2019, 15.00 EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan Corporation's directed share issue is oversubscribed and completed as planned

HKScan Corporation                 Stock Exchange Release, 17 June 2019, 12:00 EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan commences a directed share issue and publishes a prospectus

HKScan Corporation                Inside information 31 May 2019, 17:00 EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Change in HKScan Corporation’s Group Management Team

HKScan Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 31 May 2019, 9:35 EEST 

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of HKScan Corporation

HKScan Corporation                                   Stock Exchange release 29 May 2019, 14:15 EEST

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| Stock Releases

HKScan Group’s Interim Report 1 January–31 March 2019: The company's loss decreased clearly – balancing finances started

HKScan Corporation             INTERIM REPORT               8 May 2019               at 8:15 EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan’s Board of Directors decided on new plan periods within the share-based long-term incentive scheme for key employees

HKScan Corporation             Stock Exchange Release 8.5.2019, at 8.05 (EEST)

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| Stock Releases

Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting

HKScan Corporation            Stock exchange release 8 May 2019, 7:55 am (EEST)

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan is planning a share issue to strengthen its financial position and capital structure

HKScan Corporation  Inside information 8 May 2019 7:45 am EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

HKScan has completed statutory negotiations

HKScan Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 6 May 2019, 11:00 EEST

HKScan highlight
| Stock Releases

Implementation of IFRS 16 Leases, HKScan Corporations’s restatement for 2018

HKScan Corporation          Stock Exchange Release          3 May 2019               11:30 (EEST)