Meat is good for your health, if you eat it in line with the nutritional guidelines. Even a small amount of meat ensures the sufficient intake of nutrients and vitamins. In line with nutritional guidelines, we at HKFoods emphasise the significance of the versatility and moderation: varied and balanced choices help us feel well.
Healthy diet is a whole where variety is the key. Meat and meat products contain naturally many nutrients, such as protein, B vitamins as well as minerals, such as iron, zinc and magnesium.
An excellent source of protein, both in terms of quantity and quality
B vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium
Good, unsaturated fat particularly in poultry
It is smart to choose different meat and plant-based protein sources on the plate. Poultry has mainly unsaturated fat, so it is a good choice along with fish. The Nordic Nutritional guidelines recommend a maximum of 350 grams cooked red meat and meat products per week. Meat loses its weight when cooked, 350 grams of cooked meat corresponds to about 385 - 390 grams of raw meat. Red meat means beef, pork, lamb and game. Our selection also includes several plant-based protein products.

Plate model's roots are in a Swedish meat company
Britt-Marie Dahlin worked in Scan's product development in Sweden and in the 70s, she developed the icon of a healthy meal, a plate model. The plate model demonstrates nutritional recommendations at the meal level: half of the plate is for vegetables, one quarter is for protein, such as meat, fish or plant-based protein, and one quarter for carbohydrates, like potato and pasta.
Meat is naturally rich in well-absorbed nutrients
- Meat is rich in protein, 15–20%.
- Meat protein contains all the essential amino acids the body needs, always in a well-absorbed form. Amino acids are building blocks of the body; they are necessary to make proteins for the body’s needs.
- As amino acids cannot be made by the body, they must come from food.
- Adequate protein intake must be ensured on a daily basis; the average protein requirement is 1 g protein/kg body weight.
Minerals and vitamins
- Meat is a good source of iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamin A and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12).
- Iron in meat is absorbed better than iron in plants. Red meat has more iron than light meat.
- Vitamin B12 is needed, for example, for the functioning of the nervous system. It is only found in food of animal origin.
- The fat content of meat varies from 2 to 25%, depending on the part of a carcass
- Fats are classified as saturated, unhealthy hard fats and unsaturated, healthy soft fats.
- Most of the fat in poultry and pork, and half of the fat in beef is soft, unsaturated fat.