hkscan hetket kahvilassa matala


HKFoods' vision is to be the most valued partner of food moments. This means working together with all our employees to meet the changing needs of consumers and customers by creating sustainable, tasty and nutritious solutions for all meaningful food moments. It is a collaborative effort with customers, consumers, contract farmers and the company’s other partners. HKFoods’ strategic targets are sustainable commercial excellence and operational efficiency, increased added value and skilled employees.

Following the extensive restructuring, the company will focus on improving the competitiveness and profitability of its core operations and on commercial activities. HKFoods’ core operations include pork, beef and poultry, meat products and ready meals and meal components.   

HKFoods wants to grow in its core business by increasing the added value of its products and strengthening the value creation capacity of its own brands. The aim is to grow in product categories that make everyday life easier for consumers, such as meals, meal components and snacks. The company also aims to grow in poultry products and in new product categories. HKFoods wants to strengthen its relationship with consumers through its trusted brands and to renew commercially. The food service sector will continue to be an area of growth for the company.  

Responsibility is taken into account in HKFoods’ operations, and the company is developing responsible food production throughout the value chain from farm to consumer by continuing its goal-oriented sustainability work. HKFoods’ responsibility programme focuses on two themes: nature and people.

Responsibility work is driven by business needs and the expectations and requirements of key stakeholders.  

The sustainability themes material to HKFoods’ operations are good governance and corporate culture, the environment and social responsibility. In terms of the environment the material sustainability topics include, for example, climate change, water, biodiversity and circular economy. In terms of social responsibility the material sustainability topics include the health, safety and working conditions of the workforce, equal treatment, skills development and diversity, and animal welfare. The company’s strategy has impacts on all sustainability topics identified as material to the company; the most important ones in the medium to long term are climate change, consumer health and safety and animal welfare.

HKFoods is looking for new growth and pursues strategic business opportunities within the limits of its financial resources. For HKFoods, partnerships offer the opportunity to move into new business areas quickly and flexibly.

Long-term financial targets