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Shares and shareholders

Here you find information about HKFoods' (prev. HKScan) shares and shareholders.

HKFoods’ paid and registered share capital is EUR 66,820,528. The total number of shares was 98,951,781, divided into two series as follows: A shares 93,551,781 (94.54% of total number of shares) and K shares 5,400,000 (5.46% of total number of shares). A shares are quoted on the Nasdaq Helsinki. K shares are held by LSO Osuuskunta (4,735,000 shares) and HKFoods Plc (665,000 shares), and are not quoted.

HKFoods is not aware of any agreements in force relating to holdings of company shares and exercise of voting rights.

Read more:

> Basic share information

> Share monitor

> Share tools

> Dividend

> Ownership structure

> Largest shareholders

> Notification of major shareholdings