HKFoods is committed to using responsibly produced raw materials. Most of the feed used in animal farming is locally produced and the use of soy is low when compared internationally. At HKFoods, the use of responsibly produced soy is an important part of sustainable meat production. We are a member of the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) association that promotes the use of responsible soy.
In the HKFoods’ Finnish value chains, we use only responsibly produced soy. In Finland, we have used responsibly produced soy since 2017.
We approve the following soy certificates: RTRS, ProTerra, Donau soja/Europe soya, EU-organic, IFOAM and other third party verified soy according the Swedish Soy Dialogue criteria. We mainly use RTRS and ProTerra certifications.
We promote the use of local protein sources, such as rapeseed and broad bean, in the feeds used on the farms. Soy is mainly used in the feeds of poultry and pigs. We use no soy feed in the production of Finnish beef.
With our innovations, we have significantly promoted the sustainable food chain and enabled wider use of domestic protein. The entire pork chain utilises by-products of the food industry instead of soy. A good example of well-functioning circular economy is barley protein, a by-product of the ethanol industry. In the feeding of Kariniemen® Kananpojat, the share of soy has already been reduced significantly; this work continues.
Sustainable palm oil
We use minor amounts of palm oil in some of our products, such as meals. We use only responsibly produced palm oil. We are an associate member of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).