HKFoods has pork operations in Finland.
Finland is one of the pioneers in animal welfare and developing healthy food. Examples of our work in Finland include our early ban on growth promoters and our excellent salmonella status. The good health status of Finnish pigs is internationally acknowledged by the World Organisation for Animal Health. Nordic pork is natural, healthy and tasty.

Export pork category
HKFoods' pigs are grown according to high northern European standards. We offer retail, HoReCa and industry customers safely produced pork products with fresh taste. Our product portfolio includes pork middles, fore-ends, legs, offals, ribs and bones.

Visit our export product catalogue
Quality Nordic cuisine is our passion. We strive to make everyday life easier with products that are tasty, modern, innovative and easy to use. We offer innovative products manufactured under strict Nordic regulations, ensuring the highest possible standards of food safety.